Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Been a while

But I thought I would share some thoughts.

Working with other groups I've learned some stuff about the ground work in Malawi. Its been really strange because I thought that our units would have a lot of difficulty on the ground but the only thing that has been the big set back is: fuel. Our teams are waiting in line all of the time to gather get fuel just to make it out to rural areas to train and take equipment out there.

Although the issues with the current Malawian president are ever escalating, it really has not been too bad there and I look forward to hearing more reports.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Malawi will never cease to Amaze me

So, I was reading the news on Malawi, and apparently there was a special report:

The article is about the food, bread buns, known as "Osama Bin Laden." It is suppose to be a very hardy bun and filling. Interesting perspective to name a food after the guy but apparently it has been named this for years.

On a seriously positive note, it seems a recent earth metal check has found the potential of alot of rare earth metals.
Something like this could really bolster the economy of Malawi and provide quite a bit of revenue. Malawi is not know for its abundant resources, other than agricultural ones, however this could lead to great things if handled appropriately.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Malawi and Freedom of Speech


alot of stuff has been happening in malawi and I wonder how much of it is being really true about life there.

the president is pretty upset that his seemingly anti-freedom regulations have been reported to the UN, but then again, this is something we have been watching for quite some time now. there is nothing new here but possibly more fuel for people to want to revolt as Libya has. In regards to charities and NGOs on the ground though I'm curious on how thats going to impact them. Potentially with a lack of funding

but at least the ghost workers are taken care of :

Some reports say its upto about 15million that was being lost by the state.

I seems interesting that things have a slow response time, especially for a country not that big, but I wonder how much could be better if there was a bigger internet infrastructure so that the rural areas would be able to process and handle information needs.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Nurses, Spokespeople, and life

So Lee Ann Womack joins the fight for growth in Malawi, we have some farmers having trouble and other things.

I guess one thing I think is really cool is the fact that people are finally realizing what is going on in Malawi and of all the really kind of cool people that you almost never hear from, Lee Ann Womack.

Its interesting to see that Malawi also has a shortage of mid-wifes but has more modern amenities in the city. Even though I've heard reports these amenities really are not much to speak of, it boggles me that they would have these kinds of issues. Then again as per in some countries there are expectations for girls at age 14 to be married and at age 15 be pregnant and there is a lot of potential for issues on generations created by these kinds numerically low-aged parents. not saying they are not capable, but that there is an impracticality towards the matter.

This comes with reports of a government having issues and not being "media" friendly with some media fighting back and that farming is an issue.

I know a country is pretty big, but I definitely think there needs to be a more focused aim to fixing problems instead of scattering resources in the way that has occurred. but then again, who am i, ya know?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Economy at large

Been cruising through the web and crawling the news coming from malawi. Its tuff because since I'm not actually there, its hard to determine what the actual effects are. I believe in government to do its provided job and work hard. Its hard to know when their telling the truth. Same with communities who may say its difficult but then its really not as bad and they blame government. People tend to do what is most favored to them so there is automatically an imbalance to what is being said. Just a few links:

When NPOs and others step in, funded by businesses, in my mind that is the best path that we can have. When we have the invisible hand to provide for the needs and interests of a people, then Government can do its job for protecting against external forces, and against monopolizations, etc.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Malawi is once again running through trying to find the best solutions again.

For a country that is mostly Christian its interesting to see how the influence of witchcraft still exists though too. Makes me wonder how real either of them are believed. actually works pretty hard to implement the wood lot kits and bee keeping kits to improve the conservation and pollenation of the area while showing the people how to properly care for the land. Definitely worth checking out.

Its cool that the GDP is expected to be up more than previously thought
Which is always a good thing. This may account for the increased spending that was noticed a bit before.

I didt know they really had that much uranium either.
Its cool to see them doing more with their natural resources that they do have and having the production lines already setup. Its lame that the diesel shortage has been a pain but oh well.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Personal Malawi story

This is a fantastic piece of journalism and getting a real person story. I know sometimes we can feel somewhat calloused to the idea of HIV and AIDS but when it creates its own genocide, I believe we have to take a stand and start breaking our hearts of stone.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Malawi and finances

Soooo.... I in relation to all of this, I wish I had more information on what was happening on the ground. With a slowed GDP I'm not exactly sure how the government is planning on spending more but then increasing concerns of the fuel crisis are happening.

The story related that they are feeling a sense of a policed state. I'm not one to weigh in on such things, however being from a free nation I would have no way of imagining such a location. I dont feel it is as bad as it may come across, yet Egypt showed some amazing stuff just recently. You never know who might get the same ideas.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Malawi Fuel shortage

Crazy stuff but I guess tobacco is what funds a lot of this. What do you think about the Government wanting to make a national oil company? I think its good for regulatory practices and have stuff setup so this situation doesnt happen again but I wonder how much this actually empowers the citizens to be entrepreneurs of their own. Then again I guess the black market folks are doing just that >.> .

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Content in Malawi

Well lately there has not been that much news except some issues with Madonna's adoption and new laws against flatulence. It makes me wonder what our perspective is when we come to looking and observing third world nations. How would you express yourself in this regard? ethno-centric, charitable, wanting to empower them? etc?

Monday, February 7, 2011

First Posting - The Why

To introduce myself, I am Adam Jones. I have never been to Malawi, I've never even traveled outside of this country known as America - yet.

I however have met many Malawians, some of work directly relates to development in Malawi, I have been given shirts, mugs, clocks, wood carvings, and half a dozen other things relating to Malawi. I advocate for Malawi on a daily basis. All of these are pretty shallow though.

Why? Because I believe that people can change the world. I'm not here to save it, but I am here to create a positive impact and currently I have the opportunity to do that in Malawi. I hope to go to Malawi some day but until then I will do my best to do everything I can to help, build awareness for Malawi via proxy and hopefully educate people by providing news, what exactly these people face.

I'm not here for charity, I'm not here to make you feel guilty, I'm here to empower and dispel preconceived notions about a nation with a low GDP who are proud, friendly, and hard working.